trillich: UC Merced
trillich: UC Merced
trillich: awesome, elegant stiletto cat-tail-like trees
trillich: Majestic sycamore-ish cedar-like wonder trees
trillich: using the stiletto trees as a privacy fence... 60 feet tall!
trillich: what are these? cedar? cypress?
trillich: close-up of the tall-skinny wonder-tree
trillich: Close up of the amazing cattail-ish stiletto tree
trillich: my own parking space, woo hoo!
trillich: on the road to Yosemite National Park from Merced -- plenty flat so far
trillich: From Merced to Yosemite -- upcoming hills, look out
trillich: Impending mountains
trillich: hills rise up from the plains
trillich: Mariposa -- delightful little town to look around in
trillich: detour on the way to Yosemite -- rock slide!
trillich: why the detour? here's why: what road? That's just a pile of rocks!
trillich: Entry to Yosemite on rt. 140
trillich: Yes it's just a rock. A Big Rock. A Magnificent Rock.
trillich: Sheer granite cliffs, sheer forest
trillich: On the road to Yosemite
trillich: Bambi, no more than 20 feet away
trillich: Immense forest
trillich: The trees, and bark, and texture, are all enormous
trillich: Wonders at Yosemite
trillich: Neat tree growing right in front of the store at Yosemite Village
trillich: Incredible hazy light made the mountains SING
trillich: Glorious trees
trillich: Stretching to the heavens
trillich: Their bark is worse than their bite