Trileigh: 2017-5-12-0442-ReWollet!!
Trileigh: 2017-5-12-0525-Baby owl scanning from nest rim
Trileigh: 2017-5-12-0532-Owlet scanning from nest rim
Trileigh: 2017-5-12-0595-Owlet considering fledging
Trileigh: 2017-5-12-0459-ReWollet looking at branch
Trileigh: 2017-5-12-0461-ReWollet climbing out of nest hole
Trileigh: 2017-5-12-0469-ReWollet climbing out of nest hole, flapping
Trileigh: 2017-5-12-0470-ReWollet climbing out of nest hole, flapping
Trileigh: 2017-5-12-0471-ReWollet climbing out of nest hole, flapping
Trileigh: 2017-5-12-0606-Owlet stepping toward branch
Trileigh: Barred Owlet in meditative mood