trieu.mai: ba ngoai
trieu.mai: thai eating
trieu.mai: 007 Hobbes
trieu.mai: ping pong
trieu.mai: ping pong
trieu.mai: ping pong
trieu.mai: reading lessons
trieu.mai: singing time
trieu.mai: weird meal
trieu.mai: thanksgiving19
trieu.mai: finally, someone i'm bigger than
trieu.mai: huh?
trieu.mai: crooked smile
trieu.mai: malia
trieu.mai: moving portrait
trieu.mai: drooling on uncle thien
trieu.mai: nice outfit
trieu.mai: kien and thai
trieu.mai: kien and thai
trieu.mai: curveball
trieu.mai: future forest gumps
trieu.mai: haircut
trieu.mai: enjoying the haircut
trieu.mai: grandma and malia
trieu.mai: decreasing whiteness
trieu.mai: malia
trieu.mai: what's up
trieu.mai: why he's lost his hair
trieu.mai: kien