katrientje: Evening walk in the park
katrientje: glasses on table
katrientje: Balloon bellow
katrientje: balloons over the Niles
katrientje: Temple of Karnak
katrientje: Ballooning over the desert
katrientje: Sunrise over Nile
katrientje: Walking in the valley of the Kings
katrientje: Tomb of Thutmosis III (to the left)
katrientje: looking out our window
katrientje: Spice Market in Aswan, Egypt
katrientje: in Aswan
katrientje: Manneke at the Temple of Karnak
katrientje: train through the dessert
katrientje: Upon an autum day ...
katrientje: Syon Park, London
katrientje: botanical garden
katrientje: frost
katrientje: early morning
katrientje: Sunrise
katrientje: Once upon a nice autumn's day ...
katrientje: trees
katrientje: little boating lake
katrientje: The Best Gents (London, UK)
katrientje: Somewhere mid Atlantic
katrientje: Room with a view
katrientje: William Blake
katrientje: Too hot
katrientje: Playing football
katrientje: IMG_4008