triellen: the final dance
triellen: michael jackson's thriller
triellen: sisters
triellen: cousins
triellen: my cousins & mama getting down
triellen: go harvard girls
triellen: the swinging photographer
triellen: bro & mom dancing
triellen: father/daughter love
triellen: pure joy
triellen: father/daughter dance
triellen: d & slim's wedding (200)
triellen: first dance
triellen: tsang fam w/the chou cousins
triellen: parental units w/the couple
triellen: cousins
triellen: the lims
triellen: presenting of the new couple
triellen: exchanging vows
triellen: wedding party
triellen: bridesmaids' bouquets
triellen: getting ready
triellen: river oaks country club
triellen: d & slim's wedding (94)
triellen: getting ready food
triellen: "makeover"
triellen: final touches
triellen: starting the transformation
triellen: the transformation tools