Trideep: Peacock 1!
Trideep: Peahen for the Peacock!
Trideep: Black Drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus) but could also be an Ashy Drongo (D. leucophaeus)
Trideep: Wasp!
Trideep: Laughing Dove
Trideep: Peacock 2!
Trideep: Bay-Backed Shrike!
Trideep: Can You see the Female Sunbird hovering?
Trideep: Green Bee Eater with a Dragon fly in its mouth
Trideep: Purple Sunbird (Nectarinia asiatica)
Trideep: Green Bee Eater
Trideep: Yellow-billed Babbler (Turdoides affinis)