David Ducoin:
Inupiat portrait
David Ducoin:
Kotzebue home sweet home
David Ducoin:
Kotzebue city in avril
David Ducoin:
Snow machine tour 2
David Ducoin:
Snowmachine queen
David Ducoin:
Snow machine tours
David Ducoin:
Arctic Circle dog sled race in Kotzebue
David Ducoin:
Arctic Circle dog sled race in Kotzebue 2
David Ducoin:
Gene and Christine cabin
David Ducoin:
Fishing on ice 2
David Ducoin:
Fishing on ice
David Ducoin:
Hunting trip 2
David Ducoin:
Hunting trip
David Ducoin:
Noatak river on ice
David Ducoin:
Gene the caribou hunter
David Ducoin:
Inuit home 2
David Ducoin:
Inuit home
David Ducoin:
Smiling Tamera
David Ducoin:
Cabane near Noatak river.
David Ducoin:
Caribou hunting under the midnight sun
David Ducoin:
Point Hope's whale bones
David Ducoin:
Point Hope cemetery 4
David Ducoin:
Point Hope cemetery 3
David Ducoin:
Point Hope cemetery 2
David Ducoin:
Point Hope cemetery 1
David Ducoin:
Pete the Vietnam veteran
David Ducoin:
Walking on the ice
David Ducoin:
Hook fishing on the ice
David Ducoin:
Hooking on the ice
David Ducoin:
Sea watching, waiting for the whales