Tribe: 5-12-07
Tribe: 5-12-07
Tribe: 5-12-07
Tribe: 5-12-07
Tribe: 5-12-07
Tribe: Cash peeing on a hosta
Tribe: 5-13-07
Tribe: Sycamore
Tribe: Aftermath
Tribe: The lockout is over
Tribe: Cash
Tribe: 365 Days - Day 77 - July 22, 2007
Tribe: The rain doesn't stop
Tribe: Water logged Northern Ohio through a steamed-up lens
Tribe: Water logged Northern Ohio through a steamed-up lens
Tribe: Water logged Northern Ohio through a steamed-up lens
Tribe: Water logged Northern Ohio through a steamed-up lens
Tribe: 365 Days - Day 109 - August 23, 2007
Tribe: Mickey in one window at night
Tribe: Bear in the other window at night
Tribe: Old sycamore