Tribe: Claustrophobic drive on I-280
Tribe: Claustrophobic drive on I-280
Tribe: Claustrophobic drive on I-280
Tribe: Claustrophobic drive on I-280
Tribe: Claustrophobic drive on I-280
Tribe: Claustrophobic drive on I-280
Tribe: Claustrophobic drive on I-280
Tribe: Claustrophobic drive on I-280
Tribe: Claustrophobic drive on I-280
Tribe: Claustrophobic drive on I-280
Tribe: Claustrophobic drive on I-280
Tribe: Port of Toledo
Tribe: Port of Toledo
Tribe: Toledo Skyline from I-280 Bridge
Tribe: University of Toledo at night
Tribe: Bartley Building, Ontario and Washington
Tribe: Fifth Third Field
Tribe: Empire Building facade, Erie and Washington
Tribe: Washington and Superior
Tribe: Fifth Third Field
Tribe: Fifth Third Field
Tribe: Tony Packo's, Washington and Superior
Tribe: Statue in front of Tony Packo's
Tribe: Statue in front of Tony Packo's
Tribe: Fifth Third Field
Tribe: Fifth Third Field
Tribe: Fifth Third Field
Tribe: Fifth Third Field
Tribe: Fifth Third Field
Tribe: Fifth Third Field