Trialsmaster2: A Zen moment
Trialsmaster2: Delica at the end of Pinaus Lake
Trialsmaster2: Playing follow the guy with the GPS
Trialsmaster2: Jeep hitting warp speed
Trialsmaster2: Fall colours
Trialsmaster2: Delica thru a mud puddle
Trialsmaster2: Jeep puddle
Trialsmaster2: Fly fishing
Trialsmaster2: Fly fishing 2
Trialsmaster2: Square Lake
Trialsmaster2: Square Lake 2
Trialsmaster2: Steve with his game face on
Trialsmaster2: Pinaus Lake Recreation Site sign
Trialsmaster2: Delica parked at Pinaus Lake
Trialsmaster2: Pinaus Lake
Trialsmaster2: Delica low down
Trialsmaster2: One end of Pinaus Lake
Trialsmaster2: Delica brochure shot...haha
Trialsmaster2: View looking towards Falkland
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Trialsmaster2: Is this a design feature
Trialsmaster2: My wife at the summit
Trialsmaster2: Do you ever feel like you're being watched?
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