t_rex_: Red Ruffed Lemur (Varecia rubra) in dogwood (Cornus florida)
t_rex_: Coquerel's Sifaka (Propithecus coquereli)
t_rex_: Good old Smuckers
t_rex_: bobo barkin
t_rex_: Luke on the ferry
t_rex_: Boys at NC Zoo. Waiting for the tram. Forever.
t_rex_: JakesFirstDayWithBros
t_rex_: jake
t_rex_: downsized_1113001152.jpg
t_rex_: IMG_0244
t_rex_: Ty
t_rex_: DSC04271
t_rex_: DSC04340
t_rex_: DSC00790
t_rex_: Flowers001
t_rex_: PA310090
t_rex_: IMG_0034
t_rex_: IMG_0036
t_rex_: P2250069