trevorw: Setting up
trevorw: supplies
trevorw: Troy & Pavle consult the recipe
trevorw: A watched pot...
trevorw: almost there
trevorw: Pavle adds the grains
trevorw: Hurry up and wait.
trevorw: more waiting
trevorw: removing the grains
trevorw: adding malt, stirring.
trevorw: wort
trevorw: stirring.
trevorw: Too many cooks?
trevorw: recipe
trevorw: getting the last of the malt
trevorw: chilling
trevorw: transferring
trevorw: SCIENCE, bitches!
trevorw: foamy
trevorw: overflow
trevorw: Pitching the yeast
trevorw: Agitating
trevorw: mmmm. beer.
trevorw: Primary Fermentation
trevorw: autoclave instructions
trevorw: CIMG1296.JPG
trevorw: the setup
trevorw: Priming Sugars
trevorw: siphoning
trevorw: siphoning