trevorpersons: Bonaparte's Gull (juvenile)
trevorpersons: Bonaparte's Gull (adult)
trevorpersons: Gulls galore
trevorpersons: Great Cormorants departing weir
trevorpersons: Razorbill and Bonaparte's Gull
trevorpersons: Great Shearwater
trevorpersons: Great Shearwater
trevorpersons: Great Shearwater
trevorpersons: Manx Shearwater
trevorpersons: Manx Shearwater
trevorpersons: Manx Shearwaters
trevorpersons: Manx Shearwater
trevorpersons: Manx Shearwater
trevorpersons: Floating head of Manx Shearwater
trevorpersons: Manx Shearwater
trevorpersons: Parasitic Jaegers
trevorpersons: Parasitic Jaeger
trevorpersons: Parasitic Jaeger and Bonaparte's Gulls
trevorpersons: Parasitic Jaeger
trevorpersons: Parasitic Jaeger and gulls
trevorpersons: Parasitic Jaeger
trevorpersons: Parasitic Jaeger pooping I
trevorpersons: Parasitic Jaeger pooping II
trevorpersons: Parasitic Jaeger pooping III
trevorpersons: Minke Whale