trevorscottcarpenter: Group Photo (distortion repaired)
trevorscottcarpenter: Washington Monument and Reflection Pool
trevorscottcarpenter: Vietnam Memorial
trevorscottcarpenter: Sunset over Virginia
trevorscottcarpenter: Abe sits, on watch...
trevorscottcarpenter: WWII Memorial, fountain
trevorscottcarpenter: May she ever wave...
trevorscottcarpenter: Washington Monument, up close
trevorscottcarpenter: Where much is done...
trevorscottcarpenter: This memorial is quite pretty to visit at dusk.
trevorscottcarpenter: I love shooting photowalkers...
trevorscottcarpenter: Do you see the other face?
trevorscottcarpenter: Who works in who's shadow?
trevorscottcarpenter: Many have walked these stones...
trevorscottcarpenter: Surprisingly pretty
trevorscottcarpenter: Can't pass up another shot of the glorious flag!
trevorscottcarpenter: WWII Memorial
trevorscottcarpenter: Lincoln Memorial