Trevira1: The oldest show in the southern hemisphere.
Trevira1: ...and proud of it.
Trevira1: I got a prize too.
Trevira1: There was music as well.
Trevira1: The Dogs are showing off their skills.
Trevira1: The models wearing garments made from wool- of course.
Trevira1: Entertainment at the show
Trevira1: Even the donkeys had fun.
Trevira1: Everbody is rugged up
Trevira1: The chips were flying.
Trevira1: Wood chopping competition
Trevira1: The Best of the Best Cakes
Trevira1: Shearing competition
Trevira1: Sheep upon Sheep
Trevira1: Ribbons upon Ribbons
Trevira1: I'm a winner!