Trev Grant: Godfrey Gadwall
Trev Grant: Seagull Portrait
Trev Grant: Touchdown in the bulrushes
Trev Grant: Goldfinches
Trev Grant: "Look into My Eyes."
Trev Grant: Garden Birds
Trev Grant: ...and Finally for Today -
Trev Grant: Portrait of a Crow
Trev Grant: Flight into the blue sky
Trev Grant: Goldfinch
Trev Grant: Gadwall Flying
Trev Grant: Bird Feeders
Trev Grant: Mirror, mirror on the floor, who’s the fairest of them all?
Trev Grant: Male Gadwall Duck
Trev Grant: Pair of Chaffinches in the rain
Trev Grant: Gadwall side view
Trev Grant: Puddle-Duck Portrait
Trev Grant: Goldfinch in rain
Trev Grant: Two Goldfinches
Trev Grant: Young immature goldfinch
Trev Grant: Adult Goldfinch in rain
Trev Grant: Goldfinch on the ground
Trev Grant: Goldfinches
Trev Grant: Webbed Feet
Trev Grant: Muscovy Duck in Sutton Park
Trev Grant: Goldfinch
Trev Grant: White Muscovy Duck
Trev Grant: Male Muscovy Duck Portrait
Trev Grant: Siesta Time
Trev Grant: Muscovy Duck