trepelu: New École Veterinaire Maisons Alfort
trepelu: Old École Veterinaire Maisons Alfort
trepelu: file rounds
trepelu: transporter
trepelu: even vets dream of electric sheep
trepelu: Musée Fragonard au École Vetérinaire de Maisons-Alfort
trepelu: dog eat dog?
trepelu: object of study
trepelu: The Sick Dog
trepelu: the 2nd Veterinary School in the World
trepelu: egg within egg
trepelu: twinned eggs
trepelu: the bones that carry us
trepelu: Compative Anatomy - Musée Fragonard.
trepelu: long in tooth
trepelu: beneath the noble mien
trepelu: Taureau
trepelu: Mr. Elephant
trepelu: the delicate step of an Elephant
trepelu: osteosarcoma
trepelu: Ostéosarcome du Sternum
trepelu: a really good meal
trepelu: Wool Sock
trepelu: Musée Vetérinaire de Maisons-Alfort
trepelu: 100_2438
trepelu: under the skin of a Llama
trepelu: the rider
trepelu: dancing a jig - Musée Fragonard
trepelu: a moment in time
trepelu: dancing baby