Trent Strohm: View towards Canada over Lake Desor, Isle Royale
Trent Strohm: When that fat old sun in the sky is falling...
Trent Strohm: Stand of Birch Trees near Lake Desor
Trent Strohm: Old Mission Peninsula
Trent Strohm: Isle Royale mushroom
Trent Strohm: Weathered
Trent Strohm: Lake Ritchie
Trent Strohm: Up North
Trent Strohm: The Dock
Trent Strohm: Vanishing Point
Trent Strohm: Cherry Harvest
Trent Strohm: Moose bones on the Greenstone Ridge Trail
Trent Strohm: Old Mission Peninsula
Trent Strohm: BIRCH BARK
Trent Strohm: Morning Calm
Trent Strohm: Flower Power
Trent Strohm: Sleeping Bear Dunes
Trent Strohm: r e f l e c t
Trent Strohm: The Dock
Trent Strohm: Go, little man!
Trent Strohm: Torch Lake Winter