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Warwickshire by peter aj
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peter aj
Peace and War
peter aj
Peace and War
peter aj
WWI memorial window by Richard Stubington
peter aj
Laworth in the Warwickshire countryside
peter aj
From Peace to War
peter aj
From Peace to War
peter aj
From Peace to War
peter aj
Forward to the Battlefield
peter aj
Forward to the Battlefield
peter aj
Field Artillery during WWI
peter aj
The injured Captain Adie Wale
peter aj
Crucifixion and Seated Angel
peter aj
Tracery of a Richard Stubington stained glass window
peter aj
peter aj
Seated Angel
peter aj
The Good Shepherd
peter aj
The Good Shepherd
peter aj
Tracery of The Good Shepherd window
peter aj
The Good Shepherd
peter aj
Sheep that have gone astray
peter aj
Detail of The Good Shepherd window
peter aj
Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus
peter aj
Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus
peter aj
Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus
peter aj
Peacock: Theodora Salusbury’s Maker's Mark
peter aj
Peacock: Theodora Salusbury’s Maker's Mark
peter aj
Angels watching Mary and Jesus
peter aj
Angels watching Mary and Jesus
peter aj
Peacock: Theodora Salusbury’s Maker's Mark
peter aj
Angels watching Mary and Jesus
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