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Joyce Meredith by peter aj
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peter aj
War Memorial stained glass window by Joyce Meredith
peter aj
War Memorial stained glass window by Joyce Meredith
peter aj
Joyce Meredith's maker's mark
peter aj
Angel and Christ, by Joyce Meredith
peter aj
Angel and Christ, by Joyce Meredith
peter aj
Christ, by Joyce Meredith
peter aj
Angel, by Joyce Meredith
peter aj
Angel announcing the Ascension
peter aj
Angel announcing the Ascension
peter aj
Angel announcing the Ascension
peter aj
Detail of a Joyce Meredith stained glass window
peter aj
St Thomas, St George & St Wilfrid
peter aj
St Thomas, St George & St Wilfrid
peter aj
St Wilfrid
peter aj
St Thomas of Canterbury
peter aj
St George
peter aj
St Wilfrid
peter aj
Angels on a Joyce Meredith stained glass window
peter aj
St George