tremaine.lea: CN train engine approaching IMG_3815
tremaine.lea: Down the tracks east IMG_3774
tremaine.lea: Heritage Music and Posters IMG_3762
tremaine.lea: Infected children school busIMG_3838
tremaine.lea: Man on train enjoying sunset IMG_3799
tremaine.lea: Oncoming semi truck on the bridge IMG_3931
tremaine.lea: Rocky Mountaineer train oncoming IMG_3785
tremaine.lea: shutter speed and traffic IMG_3896
tremaine.lea: shutter speed and traffic IMG_3905
tremaine.lea: shutter speed and traffic IMG_3912
tremaine.lea: shutter speed and traffic IMG_3920
tremaine.lea: shutter speed and traffic IMG_3963
tremaine.lea: speed pro signs - shutter speed and traffic IMG_3974
tremaine.lea: Sunset 14 st and 10 Ave SW IMG_3767
tremaine.lea: Sunset and powerlines IMG_3864
tremaine.lea: Sunset IMG_3855
tremaine.lea: traffic through the grass IMG_3960
tremaine.lea: Trains and fun with shutter speed IMG_3827
tremaine.lea: Train track perspective IMG_3952
tremaine.lea: Unusual view IMG_3877
tremaine.lea: Wierd vents on tracks IMG_3778