Carl MegaShear: duck a go go
Carl MegaShear: duck at waffle burn
Carl MegaShear: Waffle Roast
Carl MegaShear: 1st Jet to Land at Black Rock City - 2006
Carl MegaShear: Looking Back at the Beach Club
Carl MegaShear: the shark
Carl MegaShear: Water on the Roads; from the Air
Carl MegaShear: "...out your right window; Black Rock City"
Carl MegaShear: Black Rock Travel Agency
Carl MegaShear: random pork realty
Carl MegaShear: Franklin Stove Burning Man 2001
Carl MegaShear: Ranching fading out as lifestyle
Carl MegaShear: The Black Sox
Carl MegaShear: CMR 2001
Carl MegaShear: "The Heart of Darkness" Returns Home
Carl MegaShear: "The Heart of Darkness" in Profile
Carl MegaShear: Random Pork; SOLD!
Carl MegaShear: the lift
Carl MegaShear: Lift of the Electric Car
Carl MegaShear: North Tree Fire St.
Carl MegaShear: My GMC Van
Carl MegaShear: HJC and GMC
Carl MegaShear: The Airport