trekSA: Quebrada de Palala
trekSA: Quebrada de Palala
trekSA: That's our road.
trekSA: Goats
trekSA: Baby Llama
trekSA: Goat Herder
trekSA: Teofila & Urbano preparing lunch.
trekSA: We walked uphill, very slowly, to this point.
trekSA: It was very windy.
trekSA: We were already at about 14000 ft. & in the distance those mtns. have snow.
trekSA: We drove through this valley.
trekSA: La Iglesia
trekSA: This is a street.
trekSA: San Pablo de Lipez
trekSA: We got the back of the jeep.
trekSA: Local/Quechua Hostel
trekSA: Pet Llama
trekSA: What! Where'd they find these?
trekSA: First morning Sunrise
trekSA: Laguna Amarilla
trekSA: Bolivian vizcacha (rabbit w/ a rat tail)
trekSA: The mornings were early and chilly.