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Stop The Killings exhibit- 10/21/2022 by _gem_
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Exhibit on the Plight of Farmers and Activist Killings, Silingan Coffee, Cubao X
Silingan Cafe - stop the killings and drug war signs
activist/ political exhibit on the plight of farmers and rural living conditions
activist/ political exhibit on the plight of farmers and rural living conditions
activist/ political exhibit on the plight of farmers and rural living conditions
activist/ political exhibit on the plight of farmers and rural living conditions
Silingan Coffee
Silingan Coffee
Silingan Coffee- stop the killings and drug war signs
Halloween 2022 sign
activist/ political exhibit on the plight of farmers and rural living conditions
activist/ political exhibit on the plight of farmers and rural living conditions
activist/ political exhibit on the plight of farmers and rural living conditions
activist/ political exhibit on the plight of farmers and rural living conditions
activist/ political exhibit on the plight of farmers and rural living conditions
Silingan Coffee
activist/ political exhibit on the plight of farmers and rural living conditions
activist/ political exhibit on the plight of farmers and rural living conditions
activist/ political exhibit on the plight of farmers and rural living conditions
Silingan Coffee
caramel coffee drink
Silingan Coffee
Silingan Coffee - stop the killings and drug war signs
Silingan Coffee
Silingan Coffee
Cubao Expo sign