_gem_: Edificio Ingles
_gem_: guard at his desk with pinup
_gem_: fishball stall
_gem_: LRT train
_gem_: shuttered eatery - ABCD
_gem_: jeepney design
_gem_: painting a wall
_gem_: mop against wall
_gem_: aerocruiser bus
_gem_: cultural
_gem_: immaculate conception parish church
_gem_: yellow RRCG bus
_gem_: pepsi crate
_gem_: piedra interiors
_gem_: eatery
_gem_: bacon
_gem_: jeepney design
_gem_: something's cooking diner
_gem_: hardware store
_gem_: eating fishballs
_gem_: coke sign on old house
_gem_: classic frozen yogurt with blueberries and white choco chips
_gem_: PUP- Polytechnic University of the Philippines
_gem_: UERM Memorial Medical Center
_gem_: Save More opening
_gem_: fishball stall
_gem_: bus with stop sign
_gem_: icky
_gem_: salon
_gem_: Edificio Ingles