jenschuetz: moon and the lighthouse
jenschuetz: pink clouds
jenschuetz: quite the show
jenschuetz: so many colors
jenschuetz: beam down
jenschuetz: in the hill
jenschuetz: scheming...
jenschuetz: taking it in
jenschuetz: photographing
jenschuetz: in the water
jenschuetz: getting the shot
jenschuetz: boy and dog
jenschuetz: perched on a rock
jenschuetz: surfing USA
jenschuetz: wading in
jenschuetz: lucky dog
jenschuetz: rocks and waves
jenschuetz: in threes
jenschuetz: through the hole
jenschuetz: bobbi and dave
jenschuetz: rock reflection
jenschuetz: water before the ocean
jenschuetz: dave and the fire
jenschuetz: shaun could get used to this
jenschuetz: senior portrait
jenschuetz: shaun looks over the cliff
jenschuetz: lovely
jenschuetz: expansive
jenschuetz: me, pondering
jenschuetz: embrace