jenschuetz: waiting for the ferry
jenschuetz: waiting for the ferry II
jenschuetz: we're on a boat
jenschuetz: and we're still on a boat
jenschuetz: bird perched
jenschuetz: waves and buildings
jenschuetz: wind in our hair
jenschuetz: sausalito
jenschuetz: fascinated with perched birds
jenschuetz: recreating senior pictures
jenschuetz: recreating senior pictures II
jenschuetz: umbrellas for effect
jenschuetz: hanging off a trolley
jenschuetz: look up
jenschuetz: perched trolley
jenschuetz: golden gate bridge
jenschuetz: the fog comes in
jenschuetz: sutro tower in the distance
jenschuetz: the three of us
jenschuetz: the tiers in the hill
jenschuetz: fog moving under the bridge
jenschuetz: in the hills
jenschuetz: there's a hawk in there somewhere
jenschuetz: the pacific
jenschuetz: foreground
jenschuetz: down below
jenschuetz: another world
jenschuetz: my boy
jenschuetz: my boy II
jenschuetz: sissy!