jenschuetz: first pic of the trip
jenschuetz: battersea power station?
jenschuetz: judah. pointing.
jenschuetz: james and his beer
jenschuetz: hunting crabs
jenschuetz: james post relief
jenschuetz: fire escapin'
jenschuetz: naz and adam's bag
jenschuetz: some buildings
jenschuetz: man walking
jenschuetz: some cafe
jenschuetz: jenny
jenschuetz: leaving the farmer's market
jenschuetz: requisite bridge shot II
jenschuetz: requisite bridge shot
jenschuetz: signing up
jenschuetz: the bow and arrow
jenschuetz: sorting out the route
jenschuetz: biker soon departing
jenschuetz: lean this way
jenschuetz: a pair in the distance
jenschuetz: like a painting
jenschuetz: some of the bones
jenschuetz: naz and man who walked into frame
jenschuetz: at the breaker
jenschuetz: overhead
jenschuetz: suspended
jenschuetz: pillars
jenschuetz: pillars stand tall