jenschuetz: dining room
jenschuetz: dining room/kitchen
jenschuetz: living room
jenschuetz: living room
jenschuetz: living room
jenschuetz: dining/living room
jenschuetz: the office
jenschuetz: splash of cb2
jenschuetz: original paintings
jenschuetz: shaun always in the way
jenschuetz: miller & kramfor
jenschuetz: don't look outside
jenschuetz: new artwork
jenschuetz: new chairs
jenschuetz: living room updated
jenschuetz: a lounge-y area
jenschuetz: back of living room
jenschuetz: as you walk in
jenschuetz: pictures everywhere!
jenschuetz: cardboard art above the bed
jenschuetz: new/used dresser from my great aunt
jenschuetz: bedroom corner
jenschuetz: into the living room
jenschuetz: a newer corner
jenschuetz: naz and monty
jenschuetz: same dining room
jenschuetz: new dining room drapes
jenschuetz: some more color
jenschuetz: living room into dining