for Israel: map of middle east
for Israel: map of Israel
for Israel: Israel from above
for Israel: praying at the Kotel
for Israel: reuniting with history and tradition at the Kotel
for Israel: standing small in front of the kotel
for Israel: sitting in front of the Kotel
for Israel: baptism ritual - Jordan river
for Israel: Dome of the Rock or Al Aksa Mosque
for Israel: Bahai temple
for Israel: Professor Israel Auman
for Israel: Karen Leibowitz – Olympic Champion
for Israel: Harel Moyal - winner of Israels second Born to Sing
for Israel: Ninet Tayeb - winner of Israels first Born to Sing contest
for Israel: Daniel Kahneman Nobel Prize in Economics 2002
for Israel: Gal Friedman - winning the Gold
for Israel: Gal Friedman - close up
for Israel: Galit and Sergei - ice dancers
for Israel: Galit and Sergei - ice dancers
for Israel: ancient mosaic in Jericho, Israel an Albatross photo
for Israel: Jerusalem - Kotel and ElAksa Mosque, an Albatross photo
for Israel: Jerusalem an Albatross photo
for Israel: Bahai Temple in Haifa, Israel an Albatross photo
for Israel: Beit Lehem, Israel an Albatross photo
for Israel: camel parked at an Israeli gas station
for Israel: 7.8.06 Mercaz HaCarmel, Haifa the morning after a katusha
for Israel: 7.8.06 Mercaz HaCarmel, Haifa the morning after a katusha
for Israel: 7.8.06 Mercaz HaCarmel, Haifa the morning after a katusha
for Israel: 7.8.06 Mercaz HaCarmel, Haifa the morning after a katusha
for Israel: 7.8.06 Mercaz HaCarmel, Haifa the morning after a katusha