podicep: Phelsuma laticauda -- gold dust day gecko
podicep: Carrier -- shadows and path
podicep: Morris Arboretum jpg
podicep: Sugar Maple
podicep: Phelsuma laticauda -- gold dust day gecko12 1
podicep: Nichols Arboretum -- Peonies -- 6_10_2013
podicep: Mahogany fruit -- Gifford Arboretum
podicep: Valencia oranges -- Fullerton Arboretum
podicep: Tropical Slideshow 2012-12-24
podicep: Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' -- Coker Arboretum
podicep: Dragonfly -- unknown
podicep: University of Tennesse Arboretum -- soft pastels -- 10_17_2012
podicep: Conifers of Hoyt Arboretum
podicep: Palm and Cycad Arboretum -- Brahea brandegeei--San Jose Hesper Palm 4_3_2011
podicep: State Arboretum Virginia -- Native garden path and redbud 4_11_2010
podicep: rhododendron yedoense and rain-blackened ponderosa sm
podicep: Landmark Tree -- San Francisco
podicep: Lysichiton americanum -- Skunk Cabbage
podicep: carrier arboretum -- trillium grandiflorum
podicep: Los Angeles Botanical Garden
podicep: Ponderosa Pines -- Eddy Arboretum
podicep: University of Wisconsin Arboretum
podicep: minnesota landscape arboretum -- lucille crabapple
podicep: Pitcher plants -- Crosby Arboretum -- Picayune, Miss
podicep: Newman Arboretum
podicep: University of Idaho Arboretum
podicep: two trees
podicep: Dragonfly
podicep: Holden pond
podicep: Holden Arboretum