Treebeard: Ornate pupal husk of an insect in the woods
Treebeard: Pale Swallowtail (Papilio eurymedon) butterfly
Treebeard: Anise Swallowtail (Papilio zelicaon) butterfly
Treebeard: Swallowtail butterfly - but Pale or Western Tiger?
Treebeard: Beautiful beetle butt shot - genus Collops, Melyridae
Treebeard: Mating pair of Small Milkweed Bugs
Treebeard: Honey Bee picking up pollinia on milkweed flowers
Treebeard: Caterpillar of a Monarch Butterfly on Narrow-leaved Milkweed
Treebeard: Tiny humpbacked Bee Fly - genus Geron
Treebeard: Interesting fly - maybe Minettia flaveola, Lauxaniidae
Treebeard: Jumping Spider (Salticidae) with a small Crane Fly
Treebeard: Caterpillar of a California Sister butterfly on Coast Live Oak
Treebeard: Crab Spider (Thomisidae) with prey on native Bird's Beak
Treebeard: Mating pair of Pacific Ambush Bugs on Fennel
Treebeard: Leafhopper Assassin Bug (Zelus renardii, Reduviidae)
Treebeard: Chaparral Monkey Grasshopper (Morsea californica)
Treebeard: Umber Skipper butterflies on White-leaf Monardella
Treebeard: Bee-sized Bee Fly (family Bombyliidae) on our deck - spawned out?
Treebeard: Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus) butterfly on Smooth Baccharis
Treebeard: Sulphur Butterfly on Smooth Baccharis - Harford's Sulphur (Colias harfordii)?
Treebeard: Leaf Cutter Bee (Megachile) on Smooth Baccharis
Treebeard: Pale Swallowtail butterfly on White-leaf Monardella
Treebeard: Two different skipper butterflies on White-leaf Monardella
Treebeard: Remarkable nymph of a Bush Katydid (Scudderia)
Treebeard: Rear end of a Bee Fly (Bombyliidae, Diptera) - genus Villa
Treebeard: Short-winged Oedaleonotus phryneicus grasshopper
Treebeard: Bee Fly (Bombyliidae, Diptera) on mint - genus Villa
Treebeard: Bee Fly on California Buckwheat - Dipalta serpentina
Treebeard: Gray Hairstreak butterfly on mint flowers
Treebeard: Tail end of a Gray Hairstreak butterfly