Treebeard: Red, white, and blue flowers - for no particular reason
Treebeard: Trio of insects in Bush Poppy flower
Treebeard: First flowers of California Coffeeberry - with a ladybug and a gall
Treebeard: Short-awned florets of native California Brome (Bromus carinatus, Poaceae)
Treebeard: Butterfly Mariposa Lily (Calochortus venustus, Liliaceae)
Treebeard: Woolly Blue Curls (Trichostema lanatum, Lamiaceae)
Treebeard: First flowers of native California Tea (Rupertia physodes, Fabaceae)
Treebeard: Caterpillar Phacelia (Phacelia cicutaria var. hispida, Boraginaceae)
Treebeard: Dreadlock-like catkins of a Tanbark Oak
Treebeard: Thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus, Rosaceae) in the woods
Treebeard: Pacific Woodrush (Luzula comosa, Juncaceae)
Treebeard: Earwig curled up in a Fairy Lantern flower
Treebeard: Seven-spotted Lady Beetle on a California Thistle head
Treebeard: Elegant Clarkia (Clarkia unguiculata, Onagraceae)
Treebeard: Lady Beetle on Wedge-leaved Horkelia flower
Treebeard: Bee Fly on Horkelia flower - genus Thevenetimyia
Treebeard: Mexican Pink aka Indian Pink (Silene laciniata, Caryophyllaceae)
Treebeard: White form of native California Thistle (Cirsium occidentale var. californicum)
Treebeard: Chaparral Penstemon (Penstemon heterophyllus, Plantaginaceae)
Treebeard: Green Lynx Spider on Sticky Snapdragon flower
Treebeard: Flowers of Chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum) - with a face
Treebeard: Last dandelion-like seeds on California Chicory
Treebeard: Tiny fly in a flower of Chaparral Yucca
Treebeard: Uncommon native False Indigo (Amorpha californica, Fabaceae)
Treebeard: More faces in Chaparral Penstemon flowers
Treebeard: Chaparral Penstemon - the face in the flower
Treebeard: California Honeysuckle (Lonicera hispidula) - with drizzle drops
Treebeard: Violet form of native California Thistle (Cirsium occidentale var. californicum)
Treebeard: Open and closed flowers of native White Sage (Salvia apiana, Lamiaceae)
Treebeard: Tiny caterpillars of a Variable Checkerspot butterfly on Climbing Penstemon