Treebeard: Sand Dollar Beach in Big Sur
Treebeard: Razor Blades - the first surfing spot on "The Ranch"
Treebeard: Unknown surf point at "The Ranch" as seen from the train
Treebeard: Point Arguello from the train
Treebeard: Little estuary seen from the train on Vandenberg Air Force Base
Treebeard: Restoration work in progress on Vandenberg Air Force Base
Treebeard: Part of the estuary at Surf Beach near the mouth of the Santa Ynez River
Treebeard: Invasive Ice Plant (Carpobrotus edulis, Aizoaceae) near the mouth of the Santa Ynez River
Treebeard: Ranch land north of San Luis Obispo
Treebeard: Cold Springs Bridge on Highway 154, as seen from Fremont Ridge across the canyon
Treebeard: Our creek is flowing after 1.5+ inches of rain today!
Treebeard: The "little mushroom woods" - our rare native grassland
Treebeard: On the edge of forever - Soda Lake on the Carrizo Plains
Treebeard: Cattails (Typha, Typhaceae) in a place where the Santa Ynez River still has some flow
Treebeard: Standing dead Western Sycamore (Platanus racemosa, Platanaceae) trees along the Santa Ynez River
Treebeard: Almost-full Halloween moon rising through the native Coulter Pines (Pinus coulteri) at home
Treebeard: Looking at the Channel Islands - Santa Cruz Island left, and Santa Rosa Island right - with pines in front
Treebeard: The view from the headwaters of Paradise Creek, looking north
Treebeard: Small waterfall in Tequepis Canyon - more of a "water slide"
Treebeard: Small waterfall in Tequepis Canyon - more of a "water slide" down a travertine sluice
Treebeard: My trail today - California Bay (Umbellularia californica, Lauraceae), Coastal Wood Fern (Dryopteris arguta), and fallen leaves of Bigleaf Maple (Acer macrophyllum, Aceraceae)
Treebeard: Lunch stop at "the waterfall" on my nature hike for the SVYNHS
Treebeard: Fallen leaves of native Bigleaf Maple (Acer macrophyllum, Aceraceae) on our "trail" to the waterfall today
Treebeard: A grove of California Bay (Umbellularia californica, Lauraceae) trees
Treebeard: Dry river bed of the Santa Ynez Valley River - with cottonwood and sycamore trees
Treebeard: Looking past a stand of Coulter Pines (Pinus coulteri, Pinaceae) towards San Miguel Island - the westernmost of the Channel Islands
Treebeard: Looking past Knapp's Castle towards Little Pine Mountain and Madulce Peak
Treebeard: Looking out over the oak-studded ranch land of the Santa Ynez Valley
Treebeard: Oregon mushroom woods - Bigleaf Maple, Douglas Fir, Western Hemlock, and lots more
Treebeard: Looking up the North Umpqua River in the rain