Treebeard: Sitka Willow (Salix sitchensis, Salicaceae)
Treebeard: Strange unfinished flowers of native Meadow Rue (Thalictrum fendleri, Ranunculaceae)
Treebeard: Beautiful native Carmel Ceanothus (Ceanothus griseus, Rhamnaceae)
Treebeard: Remarkable native Indian Warrior (Pedicularis densiflora, Scrophulariaceae)
Treebeard: Well-named native Shooting Star (Dodecatheon clevelandii, Primulaceae) wildflower
Treebeard: Fertile shoot of Great Horsetail (Equisetum telmateia)
Treebeard: Violet flowers of Douglas' Nightshade (Solanum douglasii, Solanaceae)
Treebeard: Flowers of native Wood Mint (Stachys bullata, Labiatae)
Treebeard: Flowers of the Coast Dudleya (Dudleya caespitosa, Crassulaceae)
Treebeard: Galled flower of Canyon Sunflower (Venegasia carpesioides, Asteraceae)
Treebeard: Bumblebee on Canyon Sunflower (Venegasia carpesioides, Asteraceae)
Treebeard: Hoary-leaved Ceanothus (Ceanothus crassifolius, Rhamnaceae)
Treebeard: Developing berries of Hillside Gooseberry (Ribes californicum, Grossulariaceae)
Treebeard: New flowers of Bitter Cress (Cardamine oligosperma, Brassicaceae)
Treebeard: New leaves of native Chaparral Orchid (Piperia elongata, Orchidaceae)
Treebeard: New flowers of Climbing Bedstraw (Galium porrigens, Rubiaceae)
Treebeard: New "umbel flowers" of native Tauschia arguta in the Apiaceae plant family
Treebeard: Looking close at a single compound umbel of the native Tauschia arguta in the Apiaceae
Treebeard: Pretty blue flowers of native Greenbark Ceanothus (Ceanothus spinosus, Rhamnaceae)
Treebeard: Parasitic stems of native Dodder, maybe California Dodder (Cuscuta californica, Cuscutaceae)
Treebeard: Open flower of native California Dodder (Cuscuta californica, Cuscutaceae)
Treebeard: Intricate new flowers of California Bay (Umbellularia californica, Lauraceae)
Treebeard: First new leaves and flower buds of native Poison Oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum, Anacardiaceae)
Treebeard: New flowers of native Prickly-Phlox (Leptodactylon californicum, Polemoniaceae)
Treebeard: New pistillate catkins of Arroyo Willow (Salix lasiolepis, Salicaceae)
Treebeard: Bigelow's Spike-Moss (Selaginella bigelovii)
Treebeard: This native Wild Blackberry (Rubus ursinus, Rosaceae) has a fungus infection
Treebeard: New "flowers" of Roundfruit Sedge (Carex globosa, Cyperaceae)
Treebeard: New flower of Blue-Eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium bellum, Iridaceae)
Treebeard: Holly-leaved Cherry (Prunus ilicifolia, Rosaceae)