tredychris: Athens
tredychris: Parthenon - again
tredychris: PC120143
tredychris: PC120142
tredychris: dont stand too close
tredychris: PC120140
tredychris: Restoration
tredychris: PC120138
tredychris: athens greece parthenon antiquity restoration
tredychris: a name i forgot
tredychris: Athens
tredychris: PC120125
tredychris: PC120121
tredychris: amphitheatre
tredychris: PC120119
tredychris: parthenon
tredychris: PC120113
tredychris: PC120112
tredychris: looks greek to me
tredychris: seats
tredychris: PC120107
tredychris: short column
tredychris: bust urn
tredychris: PC120104
tredychris: PC120103
tredychris: old statue
tredychris: street antiquities
tredychris: back streets of athens
tredychris: PC120093
tredychris: PC120088