trebmal: Tonight its the EELS!
trebmal: Smoosh
trebmal: still at it with the dumb bells
trebmal: He's lifting weights
trebmal: Security is goofing off again
trebmal: the same
trebmal: drum and keys great combination
trebmal: a little light E at the keys and the bearded drummer
trebmal: a little dark E at the keys
trebmal: He's the piano man, with a security guard
trebmal: Mr. E on the keys
trebmal: the trio that makes up some of the eels
trebmal: Two steppin'
trebmal: Showin' more moves
trebmal: Crazy Al was kung fu fightin'
trebmal: More jamming by the Eels
trebmal: E is the man
trebmal: eels
trebmal: More Eels, Security is watching you.
trebmal: They were loving this
trebmal: Smoosh dancing around the Eels
trebmal: Smoosh comes out to have some fun
trebmal: Craziness
trebmal: Birds! (That's what Al held her up to sing)
trebmal: A still of the video clip I took of Al kung fu fighting
trebmal: Crazy Al lookin' crazy
trebmal: He did kick ass..
trebmal: E & Al and drummer man (i forget his name and i'm too lazy to look it up)
trebmal: Crazy Al
trebmal: E and Crazy Al!