Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna: Gulo gulo g. - Wolverine
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna: Gulo gulo g. - Wolverine
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna: Cervus hanglu bactrianus - Bactrian Deer
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna: Alces alces a. - Eurasian Elk
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna: Ovis vignei arkal - Transcaspian Urial
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna: Ovis vignei arkal - Transcaspian Urial
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna: Bison bonasus - European Bison
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna: Geronticus eremita - Waldrapp
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna: Geronticus eremita - Waldrapp
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna: Aythya nyroca - Ferruginous Duck
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna: Surnia ulula . - Northern Hawk-owl
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna: Gypaetus barbatus b. - Bearded Vulture
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna: Gypaetus barbatus b. - Bearded Vulture