Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Lemur catta - Ringtailed Lemur
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Varecia variegata variegata - Ruffed Lemur
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Colobus guereza kikuyuensis - Eastern Black and White Colobus
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Miopithecus ogouensis - Gabon Talapoin
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Cercopithecus neglectus - deBrazza Monkey
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Cercopithecus neglectus - deBrazza Monkey
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Pan troglodytes verus - West African Chimpanzee
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Pan troglodytes t. - Central African Chimpanzee
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Pan troglodytes t. - Central African Chimpanzee
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Pan troglodytes t. - Central African Chimpanzee
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Ciconia abdimii - Abdim's Stork
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Platalea alba - African Spoonbill
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Osteolaemus tetraspis - Dwarf Crocodile
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Choeropsis liberiensis l. - Dwarf Hippo
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Tragelaphus spekii gratus - Sitatunga
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Philantomba monticola congica - Congo Blue Duiker
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Philantomba monticola congica - Congo Blue Duiker
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Tragulus javanicus - Javan Mouse Deer
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Pteropus giganteus - Indian Flying Fox
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Casuarius casuarius - Southern Cassowary
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Argusianus argus a. - Malay Argus
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Argusianus argus a. - Malay Argus
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Nomascus gabriellae - Yellow-Cheeked Gibbon
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Callosciurus prevostii rafflesi - Sumatran Prevost's Squirrel
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Callosciurus prevostii rafflesi - Sumatran Prevost's Squirrel
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Rusa alfredi - Visayan Spotted Deer
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Arctictis binturong - Binturong
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Buceros rhinoceros silvestris - Javan Rhinoceros Hornbill
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Panthera tigris sumatrae - Sumatran Tiger
Going to the Zoo with Trebaruna:
Panthera tigris sumatrae - Sumatran Tiger