ttistall: Jon Brier of the ILWU
ttistall: Jack Block, Jr. with SLAP
ttistall: P1010278
ttistall: P1010281
ttistall: Coalition of Labor Union Women
ttistall: Catherine Pottinger
ttistall: Lonnie Nelson
ttistall: Debbie Carlson looking windblown; Jorge Quiroga hiding behind a picket
ttistall: Jorge Quiroga and Debbie Carlson brave the cold wind to support Rite-Aid workers
ttistall: P1010306
ttistall: P1010314
ttistall: P1010315
ttistall: P1010316
ttistall: P1010323
ttistall: P1010324
ttistall: P1010340
ttistall: Lily Tomlin from the MLK Central Labor Council
ttistall: P1010357
ttistall: P1010361
ttistall: Jorge Quiroga of SEIU 6 and El Comité Pro-Reforma Migratoria y Justicia Social
ttistall: Stephanie Adler of SLAP
ttistall: P1010378