travis ezell:
more a clown than a ghost II
travis ezell:
left alone together
travis ezell:
together in bed
travis ezell:
left out of the fun
travis ezell:
intestine ball I
travis ezell:
travis ezell:
santa trapped (a)
travis ezell:
how can i keep anything to myself?
travis ezell:
only shallow I
travis ezell:
returns false
travis ezell:
you son of a bitch, you're making me pick one
travis ezell:
lewis and clark detail
travis ezell:
travis ezell:
split portrait of lynn 1
travis ezell:
annie and wesley
travis ezell:
lens flare friends
travis ezell:
but you do cry
travis ezell:
travis ezell:
travis ezell:
four seconds was the longest wait
travis ezell:
macro mic
travis ezell:
i'm sorry
travis ezell:
travis ezell:
pharma II
travis ezell:
xmas lights II
travis ezell:
watching paint peel
travis ezell:
michael at work
travis ezell:
try to imagine me
travis ezell:
stay in your room all day
travis ezell:
Jeff Mills 1