travis ezell: wanted freedom
travis ezell: photographer
travis ezell: vaulting
travis ezell: history
travis ezell: funeral
travis ezell: school
travis ezell: split portrait of lynn 1
travis ezell: split portrait of lynn 2
travis ezell: lynn at a distance
travis ezell: oh, pioneer
travis ezell: a mistake
travis ezell: bottle the city 1
travis ezell: bottle the city 2
travis ezell: low on the fountain
travis ezell: bancorp monolith
travis ezell: security
travis ezell: ranges, domains
travis ezell: living breathing
travis ezell: meaningless and far away
travis ezell: containment & convenience
travis ezell: my neighborhood
travis ezell: looking down on people
travis ezell: imposing oneself
travis ezell: jupiter hotel
travis ezell: shoegazer
travis ezell: beetle bus
travis ezell: railing, webs
travis ezell: meter array
travis ezell: white car