Travelrod: Gannet close to the shore near the Isle of Withorn
Travelrod: Guillemot at the Mull of Galloway
Travelrod: Orange Tip
Travelrod: Red Squirrel
Travelrod: Red Squirrel T in the forest Kirroughtree Visitors Centre
Travelrod: Rock Pipit
Travelrod: Shag and pals
Travelrod: Spring flowers
Travelrod: lighthouse at Mull of Galloway
Travelrod: Pied Flycatcher
Travelrod: Pied Flycatcher
Travelrod: Gannet
Travelrod: Wood Warbler
Travelrod: Is this a Willow Warbler ?
Travelrod: Meadow Pipit
Travelrod: The Wood of Cree
Travelrod: Northern Wheatear
Travelrod: Northern Wheatear at the Mull of Galloway
Travelrod: Razorbills - mating or fighting ?