Travelrod: Coracle shed looking to the westshed
Travelrod: Garden and river view
Travelrod: Ironbridge from the north bank of the river
Travelrod: View looking across the river
Travelrod: Coracle Shed and Ironbrdge church
Travelrod: Coracle Shed and Tontine Hotel
Travelrod: Coracle Shed from the bridge.
Travelrod: Shed from north bank
Travelrod: View from the bridge
Travelrod: View looking West
Travelrod: Coracle Man sign
Travelrod: Inside looking to the east end
Travelrod: Inside looking to west end
Travelrod: Inside north wall on right
Travelrod: Padlock under south wall
Travelrod: Padlock detail
Travelrod: Shed side south-east
Travelrod: Sleeper and file
Travelrod: Trolley
Travelrod: west wall outside
Travelrod: Gate to river path
Travelrod: Instructions detail - how to make a coracle
Travelrod: Instructions on north wall of the shed