Travelrod: Bee Orchid trio
Travelrod: Heath Fritillary
Travelrod: Heath Fritillary underside and yellow
Travelrod: Fritillary with friend
Travelrod: Small Marsh Frog in puddle
Travelrod: Grasshopper
Travelrod: Lion Insect
Travelrod: Orchid group
Travelrod: Orchid
Travelrod: Orchids and grasses
Travelrod: Salamander
Travelrod: Honey Buzzard
Travelrod: Beautiful Demoiselle, Calopteryx virgo
Travelrod: Thread Lacewing, "butterly-lion", Libelluloides coccajus.
Travelrod: The Tunnel
Travelrod: Spider, Thomisus onustus with prey- a Honey Bee.
Travelrod: Fritillary ?
Travelrod: Is this a Glanville Fritillary
Travelrod: Fritillary
Travelrod: Common Blue
Travelrod: Three Frogs
Travelrod: Wall Lizard
Travelrod: Blue
Travelrod: Brown butterfly
Travelrod: Deer
Travelrod: Fritillary and grass
Travelrod: Fritillary Unknown
Travelrod: Lizard Orchid 3
Travelrod: Mill
Travelrod: Orchid brown purple