Travelrod: Ancient and modern
Travelrod: Ancient door
Travelrod: Courtyard
Travelrod: ceiling detail
Travelrod: Ancient door
Travelrod: screen
Travelrod: View from the terrace
Travelrod: Tiles
Travelrod: Flowers
Travelrod: Beach table
Travelrod: Breaker
Travelrod: Fierce Sea at Oulidia.
Travelrod: Another fierce sea at Oulidia.
Travelrod: Huge Wave
Travelrod: Fishing boat on the lagoon
Travelrod: Boat detail
Travelrod: Fisherman detail
Travelrod: Fisherman rower_edited-1
Travelrod: Oranges
Travelrod: Boat yard
Travelrod: The ramparts at Jadida, "Cite Portuguese"
Travelrod: Jadida port
Travelrod: Trawler
Travelrod: Looking into the "Cite Portuguese" from the ramparts.
Travelrod: 16th Century Cistern
Travelrod: The Jadida Cistern.
Travelrod: Blue door
Travelrod: Catus flowers
Travelrod: Fountain
Travelrod: Pond reflections