shannonakeller: Amanda taking a picture of me taking a picture of out lunch.
shannonakeller: A delicious soup with the most shelled edibles in one bowl that i've ever had the pleasure of deshelling.
shannonakeller: Our first outing, Sunrise Crater. Unfortuantely, it was raining.
shannonakeller: Amanda and a partial Tom.
shannonakeller: Jamie! But really, we were trying to take a picture of the rock formation behind him. It looks like person
shannonakeller: A neon snail! The wonders of Jeju-do! (and Tom's thumb)
shannonakeller: House of Women Divers. Called Henyo in Korean.
shannonakeller: What the crater would have looked like had there been no fog.
shannonakeller: Inside a Lava Tube. OO!
shannonakeller: Ceiling of the lava tube!
shannonakeller: A lave drift that is shaped like Jeju-do! Wow!
shannonakeller: Lava drift.
shannonakeller: Me, in the lava tube. wow.
shannonakeller: Lava tube. Did I mention it's one of the longest int he world?
shannonakeller: Dragon's belly? Dragon's something... I can't remember. It was a lovely stream that went to the ocean.
shannonakeller: Josephine's bridge jump!
shannonakeller: I'm a mermaid!
shannonakeller: God, we are adorable.
shannonakeller: Hunting.
shannonakeller: FOUND A CRAB!
shannonakeller: Lost the crab.
shannonakeller: Marian and NaKyoung!
shannonakeller: Carin and Josephine enjoying the ocean side rock setting of the resturant.
shannonakeller: Loveland!
shannonakeller: Loveland