shannonakeller: Front door of Miho's house
shannonakeller: One side of the Sanjusangendo
shannonakeller: the other side of the Sanjusangendo. Inside this building, you aren't allowed to take photos, so let me tell you what's there. 1000 lifesize buddha
shannonakeller: Starbucks! (dont' judge, it's was airconditioned)
shannonakeller: Kyoto Station
shannonakeller: Kyoto Station
shannonakeller: Waiting for the bus. Got my coffe and my bus map.
shannonakeller: That cute little thing on the side of the building is a clock that moves.
shannonakeller: Here's a close up of the cute little clock.
shannonakeller: Me and a strange Bamboo sculpture. i'm not smiling becuase the sun is in my eyes. not because i'm unhappy.
shannonakeller: We liked the picture of the little guy popping pills.
shannonakeller: We liked that little building.
shannonakeller: we liked the motto.
shannonakeller: My wedding sneakers. My last photo of them. They are now in a trash barrel in Japan. Good bye my friends. it's been a good year!