shannonakeller: Miho, Jamie and I stading in front of the builidng where you go down into the womb of the buddha.
shannonakeller: Dinner with Miho's friends they were awesome.
shannonakeller: Super fun night.
shannonakeller: Ee-cha. I don't know what it's called in Japanese.
shannonakeller: This is one of the most visited temples. It's called Kiyomizudera.
shannonakeller: More stuff inside the temple. We think these things are what the monks used to carry around. one was impossible for us to lift.
shannonakeller: The love shrine!
shannonakeller: My and the god of love!
shannonakeller: The rabbit is the god's messenger.
shannonakeller: Jamie is walking between the stone with the rope on it to another identical one on the other side. They say if you make it straight across with your e
shannonakeller: Jamie already found shannon. It wasn't such a big deal.
shannonakeller: This little area was like temple disney! there were bells and trinkets and games (like the aforementioned stones)
shannonakeller: I just liked em.
shannonakeller: The whole temple complex from a distance.
shannonakeller: all over the place are these holy water fountains. This one was the most exciting. the people in front of the photo are in line to wash their hands i
shannonakeller: The entrance to the temple.
shannonakeller: A cucumber on a stick. Obviously.
shannonakeller: Shannon on a cute little street.
shannonakeller: the cute little street again.
shannonakeller: These little statues are all over the area. You can make a walking tour to touch all of them. We wished on a good deal.
shannonakeller: Disney Store. This was before we even knew we wanted to go to disney!
shannonakeller: I really like the wall.
shannonakeller: My "coy" picture. I'm practically hidden.
shannonakeller: End of the Nifty street and fun watchtower in the distance.
shannonakeller: Cemetary. But more like memorial grounds as i don't think people are actually buried there. As we said, this was a big time to visit memorial grounds
shannonakeller: The map of all the little lucky statues!
shannonakeller: Me and a pagoda in the disatnce!