shannonakeller: Mori Art Museum. The exhibit was about the Japanese relationship with nature. This one is called winter. it was a huge clear plastic box. ( i mean b
shannonakeller: Mori Art Museum. It is a perfectly clear piece of glass. you can see right through it. Maybe something to do with water?
shannonakeller: Mori Art Museum. Dave!
shannonakeller: Mori Art Museum. Jamie
shannonakeller: Mori Art Museum. yes, this is a bleeding cliff.
shannonakeller: Mori Art Museum. Bleeding cliff. actually moving blood. it's not painted on. it's moving.
shannonakeller: Mori Art Museum. this one was super cool. there were these bottle hanging from the ceiling and they would all drop at the same moment mimicking the
shannonakeller: Mori Art Museum. the underside of a forest.
shannonakeller: Mori Art Museum. The top side of the forest.
shannonakeller: Mori Art Museum. The top side of the forest.
shannonakeller: The forest.
shannonakeller: A big mound of dirt. Note the tiny person.
shannonakeller: More Forest. What. dont' judge. I liked it.
shannonakeller: Mori Art Museum, Wood prints some band made their first music video. I'm sorry i can't rememeber the name of the band.
shannonakeller: Mori Art Museum, Wood prints some band made their first music video. I'm sorry i can't rememeber the name of the band.
shannonakeller: Mori Art Museum. Observation Deck.
shannonakeller: Mori art Museum. Dinosaur.
shannonakeller: Mori Art Museum. Observation deck. I think that building is the most expensive apt in Tokyo. 30,000 in rent a month.
shannonakeller: Mori Art Museum. Observation deck and tokyo and dave.
shannonakeller: Ebisu Beer museum!
shannonakeller: Beer Garden decorated with Coleman.
shannonakeller: Menu Reading.
shannonakeller: Daves serious of emotional faces.
shannonakeller: Dave's series of emotional faces.
shannonakeller: My emotional face.
shannonakeller: Dave's series of emotional faces.
shannonakeller: Dave. smiling at her his series of emotional faces.
shannonakeller: The shinkasen. 300 miles an hour to Kyoto!